Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ropes, Fire Essentials and the Catwalk

Day two of GLEE was a great success!  The girls began the morning with some more team building games that they all really have fun with.  After they were given some instruction on how to tie knots on a rope.  The girls raced against their time in order to see how fast they could tie the knot correctly.  The knots they learned to tie are the kind that are used when doing high elements.  The girls also worked in teams to collect the 3 essentials for making a fire; tinder, kindling and heavy fuel which we will use to make a fire later in the week and also for our bonfire at the Family Camp Out.  After lunch, half of the group took a creek walk while the other half did the high element called the Catwalk.  This element involves climbing up a tree and then walking across a plank to another tree.  These girls are so brave!  Please remember to RSVP for our Family Camp Out if you have not already done so!

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