Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Channel 56 Makes it to the Top!

Channel 56 did some really exciting things today!  The most exciting happened during Project Adventure when the girls were on an element called Jacobs Ladder!  A team of 2 girls made it all the way to the top making them the youngest girls to ever reach that high on the element!  Most older girls don't even make it that high!  The groups also worked on other challenges today including Reward Challenges and Point Challenges.  For Reward Challenges the two tribes, Half Moon Tribe and Bosco, work to earn a reward for both teams.  In Point Challenges tribes are competeing to win the chance to decide to keep their points or have the other team lose points.  There is a catch though, and that is that if they decide to have the other tribe lose points their team must also lose a few of their own points.  It forces the girls to be strategic.  As one of the Reward Challenges today girls had to gather and set up materials for a fire (they didn't really start one themselves).  As a group they made a fire in our fire pit and as a reward roasted marshmallows!  Tasty!

Tomorrow is our field trip to Crooked River.  Please make sure consent forms are in!!  See you then!

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