Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Channel 56 is in the Trees!

The girls of Channel 56 are having a fantastic week working with Project Adventure and learning new talents!  In the morning they were able to get up on our high element called the Catwalk.  A lot of them surprised themselves as they took on the task of climbing a tree and walking along a beam to another tree.  It is amazing to see them support each other as they each challenge themselves.  In they afternoon, they worked on new talents like jack, juggling and hula hooping.  They also used their tie-dyed shirts to create a costume.  All of the girls are really looking forward to tomorrow where they go on a field trip to Playhouse Square and Honey Hut.  No money is needed.  Please pack lunches and snacks as usual (unless you have opted for a brown bag lunch).  See you tomorrow!

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