Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dino Digs!

Gator Train campers were busy today! Thank you for sending swimsuits and towels at the last minute. If you didn't get my email this morning, no worries, everyone still had a great time! It looks like the weather will be cooler tomorrow, so we will not do any water activities.

Today's agenda consisted of decorating a picture frame and filling a dinosaur shaped bottle with colored sand. Campers also heard a great story, complete with finger puppet dinosaurs, played out by the very talented and engaging Dr. Pearlman! Songs and stories with Mrs. Porris is always fun and you can see some of the campers in action in the pics above.

Water activities were definitely very popular today, but we must also mention the dinosaur dig! Campers were able to search for hidden dinosaurs and bones in the sand tables today. To our adorable campers, it was much like finding buried treasure!

Looking forward to a great day tomorrow!

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