Thursday, July 14, 2011

Daring Camp Explores the Great Lakes Science Center

The Daring Camp had a blast today as we explored the Science Center.  We watched the IMAX "Born to be Wild"  which was all about baby elephants and orangutans,rescued by two amazing women in two very different parts of the world, after being orphaned.  After eating lunch on the waterfront as we watched the Goodtime III leave dock, we went and explored the new exhibit "Facing Mars."  I think we would all agree that is it fantastic!  There are so many things to interact with and discover.  We learned so much about what it would take to send a team of astronauts to Mars, like that it would take 3 years to get there, what foods they would need and how they would look after returning.  We also got to see a rock from Mars, hang glide over the terrain and complete tasks that a crew there might have to do!  To end the day we sampled Space Ice Cream- delicious!  It was a great day!

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