Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dare to be Project Adventurers

Tuesdays are always busy for Daring Camp!  They start off at the Ursuline Pool where many of the Daring Campers choose to take our swim test and swim and dive in the deep end!  When they arrived back at camp they explored through the woods and down to the creek where they were unable to go yesterday due to the rain.  After lunch campers were involved with Project Adventure.  For the first hour, boys and girls were challenged to team building games.  One game involved the campers being blind folded while holding a large circular rope.  They were challenged to change the shape they were standing in from circle to triangle while blindfolded and then without being blindfolded but without talking.  It was tough!  They also had a chance to do two low ropes elements, the Whale Watch and Nitro Crossing. 

Tomorrow we will go to the Great Lakes Science Center!  We will watch and IMAX and see the Facing Mars Exhibit! 

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